2024-06-10 02:12| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

What is MILPERSMAN 1306-114?MILPERSMAN 1306-114 is a Navy regulation that provides guidance and procedures for the Early Return for Cause (ERFC) of enlisted personnel.

What is Early Return for Cause (ERFC)?Early Return for Cause (ERFC) is the authorized early separation of enlisted personnel before their regularly scheduled end of active obligated service (EAOS) for certain reasons, such as misconduct or failure to meet standards.

Who is eligible for Early Return for Cause (ERFC)?Enlisted personnel who have committed serious misconduct, violated Navy regulations, or consistently failed to meet performance or conduct standards may be eligible for Early Return for Cause (ERFC).

What are some examples of misconduct that may warrant Early Return for Cause (ERFC)?Examples of misconduct that may warrant Early Return for Cause (ERFC) include drug or alcohol abuse, criminal behavior, insubordination, sexual misconduct, or serious disciplinary infractions.

How is the decision for Early Return for Cause (ERFC) made?The decision for Early Return for Cause (ERFC) is made by the commanding officer, who carefully reviews the circumstances, evidence, and recommendation of the unit's disciplinary or evaluation board.

Are enlisted personnel entitled to a hearing or review before being considered for Early Return for Cause (ERFC)?Yes, enlisted personnel being considered for Early Return for Cause (ERFC) are entitled to administrative separation processing and are given an opportunity to respond to the allegations and provide evidence in their defense.

What happens after the decision for Early Return for Cause (ERFC) is made?Once the decision for Early Return for Cause (ERFC) is made, a separation package is prepared, administrative paperwork is completed, and the service member is provided with instructions on the separation process and benefits.

What are the potential consequences of Early Return for Cause (ERFC)?Early Return for Cause (ERFC) may result in the loss of certain benefits, such as education or training benefits, as well as limitations on reenlistment eligibility and a less-than-honorable discharge characterization.

Can enlisted personnel appeal the decision for Early Return for Cause (ERFC)?Yes, enlisted personnel have the right to appeal the decision for Early Return for Cause (ERFC) through the administrative separation or board of correction process if they believe the decision was unjust or in error.






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